Автор - Aeschylus
Aeschylus - Plays, Lyrical Dramas
EAN 9781406791488 44.62 USD -
The Oresteia – Agamemnon, Liberation–Bearers, Eumenides L146 V 2 (Trans. Sommerstein) (Greek)
EAN 9780674996281 32.68 USD -
Aeschyli Agamemno
EAN 9780526151011 22.78 USD -
Prometheus Bound, With Intr. and Notes by A.O. Prickard
EAN 9780469970533 28.03 USD -
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus
EAN 9780530193595 33.10 USD -
The Prometheus Vinctus of Aeschylus
EAN 9780469404793 27.68 USD -
The Oresteia of Aeschylus
EAN 9780526354979 28.38 USD -
Aeschylus Prometheus
EAN 9780526200498 29.08 USD -
Aeschyli Tragoediae. Ad Optimorum Librorum Fidem Recensuit
EAN 9780530548869 38.00 USD -
Die Schutzflehenden des Aeschzlus,
EAN 9780530257495 29.78 USD -
The .Agamemnon. of Aeschylus; With an Introduction, Commentary, and Translation, by A. W. Verrall
EAN 9780530627274 32.75 USD -
Four Plays. The Suppliant Maidens, The Persians, The Seven Against Thebes, Prometheus Bound
EAN 9780530913810 29.60 USD -
Aeschyli Prometheus Vinctus
EAN 9780469597372 29.25 USD -
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus Translated Into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notes
EAN 9783842475649 33.45 USD