Автор - World Bank
The Little Data Book 2007 (Little Data Book)
EAN 9780821369654 19.49 USD -
Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook (Agriculture and Rural Development) (Agriculture and Rural Development)
EAN 9780821374320 55.84 USD -
Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2008 (World Development Indicators) (World Development Indicators)
EAN 9780821374306 18.05 USD -
Global Development Finance 2008: Multiple User (Global Development Finance)
EAN 9780821373958 1915.58 USD -
Global Development Finance 2008: Single User (Global Development Finance)
EAN 9780821373941 130.67 USD -
Global Development Finance 2008 (Complete Print Edition) (Global Development Finance) (Global Development Finance)
EAN 9780821373903 492.47 USD -
Global Development Finance 2008: The Role of International Banking (Vol. I Analysis and Outlook) (Global Development Finance) (Global Development Finance)
EAN 9780821373880 68.84 USD -
Environmental Health and Child Survival: Epidemiology, Economics, Experiences (Environment and Development Series) (Environment and Development)
EAN 9780821372364 20.45 USD -
Doing Business: Independent Evaluation: Taking the Measure of the World Bank/IFC Doing Business Indicators
EAN 9780821375525 39.21 USD -
Overcoming Drought: Adaptation Strategies for Andhra Pradesh, India (Directions in Development: Environment and Sustainable Development)
EAN 9780821366646 25.99 USD -
World Resources 2005: The Wealth of the Poor: Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty (World Resources)
EAN 9781569735824 47.05 USD -
Global Development Finance 2006 (Global Development Finance) (Global Development Finance)
EAN 9780821359914 494.59 USD -
The Little Book on External Debt 2007 (Little Book on External Debt)
EAN 9780821369692 23.77 USD -
Building Knowledge Economies: Advanced Strategies for Development (Wbi Development Studies)
EAN 9780821369579 39.15 USD