Автор - Irving Fisher
The Purchasing Power of Money (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781409952381 32.15 USD -
Why is the Dollar Shrinking?. A Study in the High Cost of Living
EAN 9780526050703 30.65 USD -
The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions
EAN 9785519492089 11.75 USD -
Elementary Principles of Economics
EAN 9780343744397 33.98 USD -
The Purchasing Power of Money. Its Determination and Relation to Credit, Interest and Crises
EAN 9780343914004 34.33 USD -
The Rate of Interest. Its Nature, Determination and Relation to Economic Phenomena
EAN 9780343770662 30.48 USD -
The Nature of Capital and Income
EAN 9780343746896 31.70 USD -
The Purchasing Power of Money. Its Determination and Relation to Credit, Interest and Crises
EAN 9780344182662 32.75 USD -
The Purchasing Power of Money. Its Determination and Relation to Credit Interest and Crises
EAN 9780343761073 32.93 USD -
Stabilizing the Dollar. A Plan to Stabilize the General Price Level Without Fixing Individual Prices
EAN 9780469716216 34.15 USD -
The Nature of Capital and Income
EAN 9780526759767 34.15 USD -
Suggested Problems For Teachers For Use With Elementary Principles of Economics
EAN 9780530541839 22.60 USD -
League or War
EAN 9780530867434 30.13 USD -
Appreciation And Interest. A Study Of The Influence Of Monetary Appreciation And Depreciation On The Rate Of Interest With Applications To The Bimetallic Controversy And The Theory Of Interest
EAN 9780353378902 27.68 USD