Автор - Michio Kaku
The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance and Empower the Mind
EAN 9780141975870 9.11 USD -
Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel
EAN 9780307278821 17.16 USD -
A Thread of Years (Paper)
EAN 9780393327007 14.02 USD -
Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100
EAN 9781846142680 15.30 USD -
Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
EAN 9781400033720 18.14 USD -
Physics of the Future
EAN 9780141044248 22.57 USD