Автор - Steven Roman
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance. From Risk Management to Options Pricing
EAN 9780387213644 88.34 USD -
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance. Arbitrage and Option Pricing
EAN 9781489985996 111.33 USD -
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: Arbitrage and Option Pricing (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
EAN 9781461435815 76.85 USD -
Access Database Design & Programming 3e
EAN 9780596002732 38.68 USD -
Writing Word Macros Rev
EAN 9781565927254 51.84 USD -
VB NET Language Pocket Reference
EAN 9780596004286 10.87 USD -
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell – A Desktop Quick Reference
EAN 9780596000929 36.13 USD -
Writing Word Macros
EAN 9781566629935 76.24 USD -
Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition
EAN 9780596003593 53.06 USD