Автор - Benjamin Silliman
Manual On the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane: And the Fabrication and Refinement of Sugar
EAN 9785878032407 8.99 USD -
Remarks, Made On a Short Tour Between Hartford and Quebec, in . 1819: By the Author of a Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scotland (B. Silliman).
EAN 9785874058203 12.20 USD -
First principles of physics, or Natural philosophy, designed for the use of schools and colleges
EAN 9785883070258 14.32 USD -
First principles of chemistry for the use of colleges and schools
EAN 9785883069627 12.73 USD -
Century of Medicine and Chemistry: A Lecture Introductory to the Course of .
EAN 9785879901313 7.02 USD -
An introduction to geology: comprising the elements of the science in its .
EAN 9785883598288 12.73 USD -
Elements of chemistry, in the order of the lectures given in Yale College. 2
EAN 9785883058751 14.43 USD -
Suggestions Relative to the Philosophy of Geology, as Deduced from the Facts and to the .
EAN 9785873775927 7.14 USD -
An Introduction to Geology: Comprising the Elements of the Science in Its Present Advanced State, and All the Recent Discoveries; with an Outline of the Geology of England and Wales
EAN 9785874710736 15.41 USD -
A Visit to Europe in 1851. 1
EAN 9785883865342 11.70 USD -
A Visit to Europe in 1851. 2
EAN 9785883867056 11.89 USD -
First principles of chemistry .
EAN 9785879832815 10.38 USD -
Statistics of the Class of 1837: From 1837 to 1847, with a Notice of Their .
EAN 9785881162399 8.02 USD -
Electro-magnetism: History of Davenport's Invention of the Application of Electro-magnetism to .
EAN 9785880009404 7.05 USD