Автор - G. Hamilton-Browne
With the Lost Legion in New Zealand. the War Against the Maoris 1866-71
EAN 9780857068576 27.09 USD -
A lost legionary in South Africa
EAN 9781176817692 21.47 USD -
With the lost legion in New Zealand
EAN 9781178187922 27.41 USD -
A Lost Legionary in South Africa. The Recollections of an Officer of the Natal Native Contingent During the Zulu War, 1879
EAN 9780857068590 24.35 USD -
Camp Fire Yarns of the Lost Legion. Reminiscences of the Maori and Zulu Wars by a Colonial Officer
EAN 9780857068613 24.93 USD -
With the Lost Legion in New Zealand: the War Against the Maoris 1866-71
EAN 9780857068569 42.11 USD