Автор - John Mason Clarke
Observations on the Magdalen Islands
EAN 9781290299886 38.35 USD -
James Hall of Albany, Geologist and Palaeontologist, 1811-1898
EAN 9781290150811 41.33 USD -
James Hall of Albany, Geologist and Palaeontologist, 1811-1898
EAN 9780526963461 38.53 USD -
Organic Dependence and Disease. Their Origin and Significance
EAN 9780530725369 28.03 USD -
Observations On The Magdalen Islands
EAN 9781409706861 38.10 USD -
. Guelph Fauna in the State of New York
EAN 9785880715718 8.05 USD -
The Heart of Gaspe
EAN 9785873934287 11.18 USD -
The heart of Gaspe: sketches in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
EAN 9785875285493 8.94 USD -
The heart of Gaspe; sketches in the gulf of St. Lawrence
EAN 9785875292446 11.25 USD -
Early Devonic history of New York and eastern North America
EAN 9785875286247 11.14 USD -
Organic dependence and disease: their origin and significance
EAN 9785884138278 8.81 USD -
Sketches of Gaspe
EAN 9785872998297 8.85 USD -
Conference on the aspects of paleontology
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Catalogue of type specimens of paleozoic fossils in New York state museum
EAN 9785875289255 15.56 USD