Автор - Samuel Johnson
The lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on . 2
EAN 9785881249205 11.79 USD -
The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 25
EAN 9785879480085 11.09 USD -
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. 6
EAN 9785884344037 11.56 USD -
A Grammar of the Italian Language: With a Copious Praxis of Moral Sentences. to Which Is Added an English Grammar for the Use of the Italians
EAN 9785878963503 12.24 USD -
The Beauties of Samuel Johnson: Maxims and Observations. to Which Are Now Added, Biographical Anecdotes of the Doctor, His Life &c
EAN 9785879478747 12.08 USD -
Selections from the Works of Samuel Johnson
EAN 9785879477917 13.30 USD -
Shakespear Illustrated: Or the Novels and Histories, On Which the Plays of Shakespear Are Founded,: Collected and Translated from the Original Authors. with Critical Remarks. in Two Volumes, Volume 1
EAN 9785876819734 10.98 USD -
The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical. 3
EAN 9785880893041 8.89 USD -
The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 31
EAN 9785879481372 11.07 USD -
The Works of the English Poets
EAN 9785879483741 10.21 USD -
The life of Johnson: with maxims and observations. moral, critical, and miscellaneous
EAN 9785881735784 8.71 USD -
The Works of Samuel Johnson: Essay On the Life and Genius of Dr. Johnson. Poems
EAN 9785877262409 12.13 USD -
The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 60
EAN 9785879477993 10.27 USD -
The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 44
EAN 9785879480986 12.13 USD