Автор - William Cowper
Poems - Volume I.
EAN 9781409766674 40.64 USD -
The Task, Tirocinium, and Other Poems
EAN 9785875442216 10.27 USD -
The task
EAN 9785875439537 10.12 USD -
Beauties of Cowper: To Which Are Prefixed, a Life of the Author and Observations On His Writings
EAN 9785875441523 10.23 USD -
The Poetical Works Of William Cowper, Volume 1...
EAN 9781278705378 43.55 USD -
Olney Hymns. In Three Parts
EAN 9781375718011 40.80 USD -
Private Correspondence of William Cowper, Esq. With Several of His Most Intimate Friends
EAN 9780343964924 29.95 USD -
The Works of William Cowper. Comprising His Poems, Correspondence, and Translations
EAN 9780344233470 33.80 USD -
Cowper.s Milton, in Four Volumes. Paradise Regained. an Account of Cowper.s Writings, Relating to Milton. a Latin Epitaph Ascribed to Milton With Cowper.s Opinion of It
EAN 9781376510782 31.18 USD -
The Poetical Works of William Cowper; Volume I
EAN 9780469478237 33.98 USD -
The Poetical Works. With Memoir and Notes
EAN 9780530299761 33.28 USD -
Cowper, The Didactic Poems of 1782
EAN 9780469248052 33.10 USD -
The Correspondence of William Cowper. Arranged in Chronological Order; Volume III
EAN 9780469287594 35.03 USD -
Poetical Works. With a Memoir
EAN 9780469605879 32.75 USD