Автор - Sophocles
The Philoctetes: With Explanatory Notes (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878084420 7.09 USD -
Ajax: With Notes Critical and Explanatory
EAN 9785878084505 7.07 USD -
Fur Den Schulgebrauch (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878083195 7.80 USD -
The Tragedies of Sophocles, in Engl. Prose. the Oxford Tr
EAN 9785878083805 8.92 USD -
Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments, Volume 6
EAN 9785878083775 8.91 USD -
Sophokles: Fur Den Schulgebrauch, Volume 1 (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878084352 9.78 USD -
The Tragedies of Sophocles, Tr. Into Engl. Verse. by T. Dale
EAN 9785878083560 11.93 USD -
Sophokles Tragoedien, Volumes 7-8 (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878083683 10.53 USD -
Sophokles Fur Den Schulgebrauch Erklart: Antigone (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785878083423 7.86 USD -
The Ajax of Sophocles: With Engl. Notes, by J.R. Pitman
EAN 9785878084499 7.94 USD -
Sophocles: With an English Translation
EAN 9785878084000 9.85 USD -
Sophoclis Oedipus coloneus: Denuo recensuit et brevi annotatione critica
EAN 9785880727582 7.16 USD -
Sophocles, in Single Plays, for the Use of Schools. Ed. with Intr. and Engl. Notes by L. Campbell and E. Abbott. (Clar. Press Ser.). Oedipus Tyrannus. Oedipus Coloneus
EAN 9785878083201 7.19 USD -
EAN 9785881655112 10.41 USD