Автор - Plutarch
Lives, the Dryden Plutarch. Rev. by Arthur Hugh Clough
EAN 9785875659775 15.59 USD -
Scelta d'apoftegmi d'uomini illustri greci e romani di Plutarco Cheronese
EAN 9785883706034 8.88 USD -
Plutarch"s Morals (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781409940319 27.48 USD -
Plutarch's Lives: Tr. from the Original Greek: with Notes Critical and . 1
EAN 9785881153281 8.99 USD -
Lives. With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin Volume 11
EAN 9785877488823 15.24 USD -
Plutarch's Lives of illustrious men. 1
EAN 9785879762556 11.64 USD -
Le vite degli uomini illustri. 2
EAN 9785873536191 11.76 USD -
North's translation of Plutarch's life of Julius Caesar
EAN 9785877488922 10.67 USD -
Plutarch's Lives of Solon, Pericles, and Philop?men: from the text of Sintenis
EAN 9785879827514 7.12 USD -
Parallel Lives – Demetrius & Antony Pyrrhus& Gaius Marius L101 V 9 (Trans. Perrin)(Greek)
EAN 9780674991125 34.38 USD -
Rome Stories
EAN 9781841596228 30.44 USD -
PLUTARCH. Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans (Complete and Unabridged)
EAN 9781781395134 21.73 USD -
Plutarch.s Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Second Volume
EAN 9780343838133 30.65 USD -
Oeuvres Morales de Plutarque, Tome III
EAN 9780469424494 38.70 USD