Автор - William Shakespeare
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. With a Life of the Poet, Explanatory Foot-notes, Critical
EAN 9780469649538 30.65 USD -
King John
EAN 9781421813530 39.05 USD -
King Henry the Eighth
EAN 9781421813523 41.33 USD -
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
EAN 9781421813547 41.50 USD -
The Life of Timon of Athens
EAN 9781421813691 41.50 USD -
The History of Troilus and Cressida
EAN 9781421813714 41.15 USD -
The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus
EAN 9781421813707 39.05 USD -
The Merry Wives of Windsor
EAN 9781421813608 41.50 USD -
The Tragedy of King Lear
EAN 9781421813554 41.33 USD -
The Tragedy of Macbeth
EAN 9781421813578 41.50 USD -
A Midsummer Night.s Dream
EAN 9781421813615 41.33 USD -
Much ADO about Nothing
EAN 9781421813622 41.50 USD -
Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will
EAN 9781421813721 41.50 USD -
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
EAN 9781421813738 41.33 USD