Автор - William Makepeace Thackeray
The Cornhill Magazine, Volume 80
EAN 9785878259224 12.39 USD -
Thackeray's Works, Volume 27
EAN 9785878260893 9.57 USD -
The English Humourists: The Four Georges
EAN 9785878262316 9.75 USD -
Novels by Eminent Hands
EAN 9785878263054 7.82 USD -
The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq
EAN 9785878261258 9.71 USD -
Jeames'S Diary: A Legend of the Rhine, and Rebecca and Rowena
EAN 9785878262897 8.77 USD -
Thackeray's Works: The Adventures of Philip, Vol. Iii. Catherine: A Story
EAN 9785878261043 9.73 USD -
Thackeray's Works, Volume 5
EAN 9785878262736 9.80 USD -
The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century: A Series of Lectures
EAN 9785878262309 8.78 USD -
The history of Henry Esmond, Volume 1
EAN 9785883316769 10.78 USD -
Ballads; A legend of the Rhine, etc
EAN 9785883255952 10.86 USD -
Vanity fair, a novel without a hero
EAN 9785880437351 11.72 USD -
Roundabout Papers: (From the Cornhill Magazine) to Which Is Added the Second Funeral of Napoleon; the Four Georges; the English Humorists of the . Critical Reviews & Selections from Punch
EAN 9785878261753 11.74 USD -
Burlesques: Novels by eminent hands; Jeames's diary; Adventures of Major Gahagan; A legend of the Rhine; Rebecca and Rowena; The history of the next . The Fitzboodle papers; Miscellanie
EAN 9785878258746 12.32 USD